Join Us .....
We have a number of memberships available from social to full playing.
The Club subscriptions are due by the 31st August and they are as follows:
Full Playing Member £120
Colts, Student and Apprentice Playing Members - £100
Colts Siblings -£50
Full Non-Playing Member (Voting) - £50
Social Member (Non – Voting) - £20
Ladies Touch Rugby only - £20
Spouse / Partner of any category of Membership 1-6 above, and Life, Honorary & Bond Members - £10
M & J Parent & One Player - £120
M & J Siblings £50
Should any Life, Honorary and Bond members wish to make a donation to the Club, please use option 7 on the form to obtain the Clubs Bank Account details.
All payments to be made to the Club’s Main Bank Account, Cash or Card over the bar, other than categories 8/9 which are to be paid to the to the M & J Bank Account.
We would prefer payment by Bank transfer.
We are now using an on line application form to be completed by all members of the Club
(Links to Bank Accounts will be displayed based on membership categories )
It is now an RFU requirement that all rugby players including Touch Rugby must register on GMS links:
Downloadable Membership Form
Forms are available in the Document Rack by the entrance to the Lounge Bar.
Once completed please leave for Membership Secretary for either:
Tom Moore or
Maja Monks M&J’s
depending on Category of Membership required.
Membership Form - CLICK HERE (MS Word)